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How to make sure assignment look made by students

assignment made by students


Sometimes, it is very difficult to explain to your Instructor even if you have written your assignment independently. It becomes very tough to elucidate to your Instructor if you do not have any action plan to show them that in this way, “I have prepared my assignment.”

Therefore, to prove your integrity and credibility, you must have solid evidence that your assignment is original. Here are several tips to help you make sure assignments made by students like yourself are proven to be original:

Maintain a Unique Style of writing assignment. 

Everyone has their own writing tone and style, such as distinct voice, choice of vocabulary, and sentence structure. So, you must portray this style of your content, which is called your USB, to your Instructor, which can prove that you have written your assignment, not written by anyone else.

It will also boost the authenticity of your writing style in front of your evaluator and reflect your approach towards your writing and argumentation.

Give a Timeline Of Your work.

If you are looking for “How do I prove that my assignment is written by myself?” You can provide a timeline for your assignment, stating the completion date and changes you made after finding another relevant source or consulting your Instructor.

When you show all these steps one by one, it will prove that you have created your assignment despite it being completed hastily or plagiarized by an AI generator and pasted into your word processor.

However, it seems more irritating and unfair that you should do all this to prove you haven’t cheated, but this is the only way to deter the accusations.

Provide Detailed Sources.

The best way to defend yourself against false accusations of cheating is to accumulate all the sources and material you have taken for your assignment accordingly.

You might have taken help from books, articles, videos, and other types of content, such as samples from free essay writer services or topical blogs that should be mentioned properly so your Instructor can go through all the resources you have taken help from.

Make sure to add your document collaboration efforts and references, bibliography, and footnotes at the end of your document.

Demonstrate your draft history.

When you think of proving your authorship, maintaining your draft history is the most powerful evidence you can show to your Instructor. For example, if you have prepared an outline for your essay in Google Docs, using this online writer tool is a very good method because Google Docs has a feature called “Revision History”.

When you edit or make some changes in your Google Doc, you automatically take snapshots of your drafts and store them. Even when you write In Word, you can store your file in OneDrive or SharePoint; here, this app has a feature where you can go back to previous copies, too.

This can create a transparent record of your writing process. It also helps to trace all the recent and past changes that you have made to your document.

Explain your content planning process.

The content planning process is very important. So, better describe your content ideas, such as how you came up with your ideas for your assignment, and explain how you organized your assignment with a proper introduction, body, and conclusion, as well as the flow of information to your professor.

It would help you if you also defined the structure of your assignment, such as how each paragraph supports your main argument and how you have used your evidence to prove that you have written down your assignment.

Discuss your work with your professor or Instructor

Share your work with your professor or with your instructors regularly. Please update them regularly on your work progress, such as how much you have written, what you have written, what you will write, etc.

If you have doubts while crafting your thoughts and ideas, you can ask your Instructor for help and ask them to provide a few outlines or bullet points regarding your topic or project. Note down the points, and when you craft your project outline, add their points to your content. In this way, you can also prove that I wrote my assignment.

Give Plagiarism Or AI Report

How do I prove that I wrote my assignment? You can attach a screenshot of your plagiarism or trinitarian report in your document.

This will prove that your content is original and human-written. After the emergency of ChatGPT and other AI writer tools, our write-up is questioned more than before, even if we have written our content on our own.

 So, as a student, following this safe method is great for showing our credibility and authenticity.

Offer cross-examination of Your work.  

You can tell your professor to cross-examine you if you need more than these things to clear your name. For example, your professor can test your knowledge by doing an oral examination or re-writing the topic under his observation.

As you have done the assignment independently, you must be quite confident enough to pass all the tests to prove that you have written your assignment.  

This cross-examination will also help you get insight into where you can get opportunities to improve your writing in better clarity. 


When you are wondering about the few strategies “How do I prove that my assignment is written by myself” then this blog is the right piece of document which can provide accurate tips where you can prove your originality and authorship in front of the evaluator to prove your assignment is not plagiarized.


How do I provide evidence that I authored my assignment?

If a student thinks to provide evidence of authorship, these are the following tips one must follow;-

  • You should save all drafts and research notes.
  • Date each draft to show the development of your work over time.
  • Creating outlines and multiple drafts serves as compelling evidence, which can reflect your thoughts and arguments.

Why is dating my drafts important?

Dating your drafts is very important because it shows a timeline of your work when you did your editing and revision, not plagiarising from any source.

Is it beneficial to discuss my assignment ideas with my Instructor before starting?

Discussing your assignment ideas with your Instructor is highly recommended because it keeps your work on track and helps clarify your thoughts. Discussing your ideas with your evaluator shows your willingness to make improvements, and later on, it can prove your originality.

What should I do if my evaluator accused my work of plagiarism but it is original?

If accused of plagiarism, go through the specific allegations and compare them with your drafts and notes. After verifying it, present all the evidence of your writing process, including dated drafts, notes, and any outlines. A clear explanation of your research and writing process can help to resolve the situation.

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